November 11, 2021
The Clayton Ridge Board of Directors held their monthly meeting on November 11, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. in the Clayton Ridge Library, Guttenberg.
Motion by Finnegan and second by Reimer to approve the Retiring Board Agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Call to Order/Roll Call
President John Heying called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Other members in attendance were Mike Finnegan, Christine Aulwes, Alicia Helle, Jason Reimer, Kathy Ihde, and Ellen Johnson.
Also in attendance were Superintendent Shane Wahls, Principal Laura Bilden, Dean of Students Wade Marlow, and Board Secretary David Schlueter.
Approval of Board Minutes
Motion by Helle and second by Ihde to approve the minutes of the October 14, 2021 regular meeting and the October 26, 2021 special meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Review Election Results
Reviewed the results of the November 2, 2021 school board election. Jessica Bittner, Michael Finnegan, and Jason Reimer were elected for 4 year terms.
Motion by Aulwes and second by Helle to approve the election results. Motion carried unanimously.
Wahls presented retiring board member Kathy Ihde with a plaque recognizing and thanking her for 15 years of service as a board member.
Oath of Office administered to Jessica Bittner.
Election of President and Vice-President / Oath of Office
Reimer nominated Heying for President. Motion by Finnegan and second by Reimer that nominations cease and a unanimous ballot be cast. Motion carried unanimously.
Heying nominated Aulwes for Vice-President. Motion by Finnegan and second by Johnson that nominations cease and a unanimous ballot be cast. Motion carried unanimously.
Organizational Meeting
Motion by Helle and second Finnegan to:
- Appoint David Schlueter as Board Secretary and Treasurer
- Approve pay rate of $750 per year for Board Secretary
- Set the regular meeting place in Garnavillo for January through June and in Guttenberg for July through December with meetings to be held on the second Thursday each month at 7:00 PM
- Approve The Guttenberg Press as official newspaper for legal notices and announcements.
- Approve Peoples State Bank, Community Savings Bank, and Fidelity Bank & Trust as depositories, not to exceed $5,000,000 per bank.
- Appoint Brett Nitschke of Lynch, Dallas Law Firm as legal counsel.
- Appoint Finnegan to Clayton County Conference Board.
Motion carried unanimously.
Approval of Agenda
Motion by Reimer and second by Aulwes to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Reports / Communication
Wahls reported on roof repairs, IASB convention, request from Guttenberg Cable Commission, Garnavillo lower playground, and COVID numbers.
Bilden reported on student office referrals, attendance rates, Veteran’s Day program, adding vape detectors, high school play, and adjusted dismissal times.
Board discussed COVID protocols and food service concerns regarding supply chain shortages.
Consent Agenda
Motion by Helle and second by Aulwes to approve the October financial statements; listing of invoices; and additional pay requests totaling $140.28. Motion carried unanimously.
New Business
- Employment
Motion by Helle and second by Johnson to approve the following hires: Dan Pierce as Varsity Coach-Girls Soccer; TJ Pierce and Jason Tipsword as Assistant Coaches-Soccer; Jarid Grinstead as Junior High Wrestling Coach; Jeremy Greve as Assistant Coach-Wrestling; and Pam Hoefer as Transportation Assistant. Motion carried unanimously.
- Facility Use Agreements
Motion by Reimer and second by Aulwes to approve Facility Use Agreements with Gospel Hall, Imagine the Possibilities, and Jefferson Go-Hawks 4-H Club. Motion carried unanimously.
- Tree Removal
Motion by Reimer and second by Finnegan to accept offer from Chad Hauschild to remove trees on the Garnavillo lower playground. Cost of tree removal not to exceed $1000. Stump removal costs not included. Motion carried unanimously.
- Open Enrollments
Motion by Helle and second by Aulwes to deny one open enrollment application to the Iowa Virtual Academy. Motion carried unanimously.
- Early Retirement Plans
Motion by Finnegan and second by Aulwes to approve proposed Early Retirement Plan. Motion carried unanimously.
- Modified Supplemental Amounts
- Motion by Helle and second by Johnson to authorize the district’s administration to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $52,480 due to an increase of certified enrollment from the prior year. Motion carried unanimously.
- Motion by Johnson and second by Finnegan to authorize the district’s administration to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $73,299 for open enrolled students out who were not included in the district’s previous year certified enrollment count. Motion carried unanimously.
- Motion by Johnson and second by Bittner to authorize the district’s administration to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $6,122 related to the English learning program for students who have exceeded five years of weighting that are included in the Fall 2021 certified enrollment headcount. Motion carried unanimously.
- First reading Board Policy 501.15 Open Enrollment
A first reading was held to change the deadline date for open enrollment applications to the Iowa Virtual Academy to the fourth Friday in September.
- Cast Ballot for AEA District Director
Motion by Finnegan and second by Aulwes to cast a ballot electing Dr. Bill Withers as AEA District Director. Motion carried unanimously.
- Roof Project
Motion by Aulwes and second by Helle to approve bid from Jeffrey Paul Homes to repair the locker room roof for $9,950. Motion carried unanimously.
- Bus Bids
Motion by Finnegan and second by Aulwes to accept bid from School Bus Sales to lease two school buses for three years at cost of $22,284.48 per year per bus. Motion carried unanimously.
- Interfund Transfer Resolution
Motion by Aulwes and second by Reimer to adopt a resolution to transfer $259,182 from PPEL Fund to the Debt Service Fund. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Helle and second by Bittner to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:56 PM