October 13, 2022
The Clayton Ridge Board of Directors held their regular monthly meeting on October 13, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. in the High School Library, Guttenberg.
Call to Order/Roll Call
President John Heying called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Other members in attendance were Jessica Bittner, Mike Finnegan, Alicia Helle, Ellen Johnson, and Jason Reimer. Christine Aulwes was absent.
Also attending were Superintendent Shane Wahls, Principal Terri Thompson, Principal Laura Bilden, IAVA Head of Schools Steve Hoff, Guidance Counselor Julie Hansel, and Board Secretary David Schlueter.
There were 7 guests present.
Approval of Agenda
Motion by Finnegan and second by Bittner to approve the agenda, adding 10. Sharing Agreement-Jr High Wrestling. Motion carried unanimously.
Public Forum
Community members addressed the board regarding transportation concerns and a student discipline issue.
Bill Robinson presented the board with a request to extend the easement for the Garnavillo Day Care. Consensus of the board was to proceed with preparing documents.
Colleen Schneider was introduced as the Opaa! Food Service Director.
Hansel reported on coordination of college courses and work-based learning opportunities with NICC.
Wahls gave an athletics update, recognized the boys cross country team as Upper Iowa Conference Champion; work is in-progress at the baseball field.
Thompson reported on completion of FAST testing; interventions; leadership conference; Red Ribbon Week planning.
Hoff reported on increasing enrollment; challenges of students enrolling later in the year; back to school picnic; survey results; Red Ribbon Week planning; Unity Day.
Bilden reported on elementary enrollment; the transition of new students going well; grade level modelling for co-teachers; new teacher learning walks; portfolios and standards.
Schlueter reviewed the Certified Annual Report and Special Ed Supplement.
Consent Agenda
Motion by Helle and second by Finnegan to approve minutes of the September 8 regular meeting; the September 2022 financial statements; and the listing of invoices. Motion carried unanimously.
New Business
- Open Enrollments
Motion by Bittner and second by Reimer to deny 39 open enrollment applications to the Iowa Virtual Academy due to insufficient classroom space and IEP denials. Motion carried unanimously.
- Request Allowable Growth & Supplemental Aid
Motion by Finnegan and second by Johnson to request allowable growth and supplemental aid for a negative special education balance of $239,264.04. Motion carried unanimously.
- Certified Annual Report
Motion by Johnson and second by Bittner to approve FY22 Certified Annual Report. Motion carried unanimously.
- First Reading – School Bus Seat Belt policy
A first reading was held.
- Employment
Motion by Finnegan and second by Johnson to approve the following actions: a)resignation of Margo Friedlein as PLC Strategist-Grade 2; b) Transfer Ben Backes from Jr High Girls Track to Asst Coach-Girls Track, Transfer Connor Koth from Asst. Maintenance Manager to Maintenance Director; c) Hires: Karen Reichard as PLC Strategist – Grade 2; Stephanie Thomas and Jason Hefel as Jr High Girls Basketball Coaches; Angela Williams as FCCLA Advisor; Leah Eulberg as FBLA Advisor; Kole Brandel as Groundskeeper/Custodian; and Lisa Hinzman as Teacher Associate. Motion carried unanimously.
- Early Retirement Program
Motion by Finnegan and second by Bittner to approve the Early Retirement Program. Motion carried unanimously.
- Interfund Transfer Resolution
Motion by Helle and second by Reimer to adopt a resolution to approve an FY22 transfer of $135,824 from the General Fund to the Debt Service Fund. Motion carried unanimously.
- Bus Lease Resolution
Motion by Finnegan and second by Helle to adopt a resolution authorizing the execution and delivery of lease agreement and other documents and agreements in connection therewith. Motion carried unanimously.
- Early Graduation Requests
Motion by Johnson and second by Reimer to approve the early graduation requests of 5 seniors, pending completion of all requirements. Motion carried unanimously.
- Sharing agreement – jr high wrestling
Motion by Reimer and second by Helle to approve a sharing agreement with Ed-Co CSD for the purpose of sharing junior high wrestling. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Finnegan and second by Bittner to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:08 PM