January 9, 2025
The Clayton Ridge Board of Directors held their regular monthly meeting on January 9, 2025 in the High School Library, Guttenberg.
Call to Order/Roll Call
Vice-President Mike Finnegan called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. Other members in attendance were Ellen Johnson, Shelly Mommer, and TJ Pierce. Absent were Jessica Bittner, Sam Brandt, and Dan Kregel.
Also in attendance were Superintendent Shane Wahls, Principal Laura Bilden, Principal Terri Thompson, Dean of Students Wade Marlow, Head of Schools Steve Hoff, and Business Manager / Board Secretary Logan Taylor.
There were 6 other employees / guests present.
Approval of Agenda
Wahls amended the agenda to include item #8. Motion by Johnson and second by Mommer to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried unanimously.
Reports / Communication
K-5 Instructional Coaches Tierney Hoefer and Sarah Cherne presented on Title 1 Reading program changes and family literacy night stations/ take home kits.
Wahls discussed future potential options for snow removal.
Bilden discussed LETRS training, FAST Math and Reading screening, and new Mystery Science curriculum.
Thompson discussed staff professional development and FAST Math / Reading screening.
Marlow presented on referral data and the attendance letter process.
Hoff discussed IAVA events, enrollment increases, esports success, and the Spring graduation ceremony at the Ames Middle School.
Taylor discussed the purchase of CDs with People’s State Bank and Fidelity Bank and Trust.
Consent Agenda
Motion by Pierce and second by Johnson to approve the minutes from the December 12 regular meeting and listing of invoices; there were no payroll requests. Motion carried unanimously.
New Business
- Approve Overnight Band Trip
Motion by Johnson and second by Pierce to approve an overnight band trip to Wartburg College in Waverly, IA. Motion carried unanimously.
- Approve Lane Change Request
Motion by Johnson and second by Mommer to approve a lane change for Ben Backes. Motion carried unanimously.
- Open Enrollments
Motion by Mommer and second by Pierce to deny 2 applications to the Iowa Virtual Academy due to a previous suspension and a late open enrollment application. Motion carried unanimously.
- Early Retirement
Motion by Mommer and second by Johnson to approve early retirement applications and accept resignations from the following:
- MS/HS Teachers’ Associate Barb Meyer, effective January 24, 2025.
- Elementary Teacher Brenda Herman, effective end of the school year.
Motion carried unanimously.
- ISJIT Resolution
Motion by Pierce and second by Mommer to adopt a resolution to invest district funds with Iowa Joint Investment Trust (ISJIT). Roll Call vote. Motion carried unanimously.
- Approve Support Personnel Salary Supplement
Motion by Johnson and second by Mommer to approve a school year end stipend of $18,473.00 to be evenly distributed between all hourly employees included in funding calculation. Motion carried unanimously.
- Scoreboard Media License Agreement
Motion by Pierce and second by Johnson to approve the scoreboard media license agreement with Scoreboard Media. Motion carried unanimously.
- Employment Resignation
Motion by Johnson and second by Pierce to accept the resignation of Stephanie Thomas as MS Girls Basketball coach. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Pierce and second by Johnson to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.
Meeting Adjourned at 6:34PM
Logan Taylor, Board Secretary
Approved this 13th day of February, 2025
Jessica Bittner, Board President