School Board Meeting Minutes December 19, 2022



December 19, 2022


The Clayton Ridge Board of Directors held their monthly meeting on December 19, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. in the High School Library, Guttenberg.


Call to Order/Roll Call

President John Heying called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.  Other members in attendance were Christine Aulwes, Ellen Johnson, Alicia Helle, Jason Reimer, and Mike Finnegan. Jessica Bittner was absent.


Also in attendance were Superintendent Shane Wahls, Principal Terri Thompson, Principal Laura Bilden, Dean of Students Wade Marlow, IAVA Head of Schools Steve Hoff, and Board Secretary David Schlueter. There were 5 staff/guests present.


Approval of Agenda

Motion by Reimer and second by Aulwes to approve the agenda.  Motion carried unanimously.


Reports / Communication

Maintenance Director Connor Koth was introduced to the board.


Wahls discussed preliminary plans for a vehicle replacement schedule.


Bilden discussed positive results on the mid-year TLC survey.


Thompson discussed recent holiday activities.


Marlow discussed attendance data and the increased absences due to student illness.


Hoff discussed enrollment, growth goals, ISASP testing plans, and new students for second semester.


High School Guidance Counsel Julie Hansel reported on the success of the mock interviews.


Board members reported on comments regarding the FBLA participation in the Guttenberg Christmas parade; state qualifier banners in the gym; and the condition of concrete at the athletic complex.


Consent Agenda

Motion by Finnegan and second by Helle to approve the November 10, 2022 regular meeting minutes and the December 7, 2022 special meeting minutes; the November financial statements; and, listing of invoices. Motion carried unanimously.


Old Business

  1. Consider Legal Counsel

Motion by Finnegan and second by Johnson to approve Brett Nitzschke as legal counsel. Motion carried unanimously.


New Business

  1. Set Public Hearing – Garnavillo Day Care Easement

Motion by Helle and second by Aulwes to set a public hearing for Garnavillo Day Care easements for January 12, 2023 at 7:00 PM. Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Open Enrollment

Motion by Reimer and second by Aulwes to deny 22 applications to the Iowa Virtual Academy; and to approve an open enrollment application from Lyvea Krambeer to attend MFL Mar Mac. Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Employment

Motion by Finnegan and second by Helle to approve the following:

  1. Accept resignation of Bob Sweers, Junior High Volleyball Coach
  2. Transfers: Sara Phillips from K-5 ESSER Teacher to K-5 Special ed Teacher (effective January 4, 2023) and Brian Lawrence from Teacher to School Safety Coordinator for 2023-24.
  3. Hire Angela Williams and Bridget Schaufenbuel as Cheer Co-Coaches effective immediately
  4. Hire Allison Troester as K-5 ESSER Teacher, effective January 4, 2023

Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Approve Early Retirements

Motion by Helle and second by Reimer to approve early retirement applications for Teacher Mary Streich, Teacher Sara Lawrence, and Elementary Secretary Michele Von Handorf effective at the end of the 2022-23 school year. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Helle and second by Aulwes to approve early retirement application, waiving years of service requirement and modifying the stipend from 15% to 12%, for Teacher Associate Tamie Schaefer effective at the end of the 2022-23 school year.

Motion carried unanimously.



Motion by Helle and second by Johnson to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.