School Board Meeting Minutes December 12, 2024



December 12, 2024



A public hearing was held in the High School Library starting at 5:33 PM regarding the intent to transfer certain categorical funds to the School Flexibility Fund to allow for the flexible expenditure of these funds during the budget year beginning in or after the calendar year in which the transfer to the flexibility fund occurs. There were no comments from the public.


Public hearing was closed at 5:35 PM



December 12, 2024


The Clayton Ridge Board of Directors held their regular monthly meeting on December 12, 2024 in the High School Library, Guttenberg.


Call to Order/Roll Call

President Jessica Bittner called the meeting to order at 5:35 PM. Other members in attendance were Sam Brandt, Mike Finnegan, Ellen Johnson, Dan Kregel, Shelly Mommer, and TJ Pierce.


Also in attendance were Superintendent Shane Wahls, Principal Laura Bilden, Principal Terri Thompson, Dean of Students Wade Marlow, Head of Schools Steve Hoff, and Business Manager / Board Secretary Logan Taylor.


There were 9 other employees / guests present.


Approval of Agenda

Motion by Finnegan and second by Mommer to approve the agenda as posted. Motion carried unanimously.


Reports / Communication


Wahls discussed Board recognition awards received at the Fall 2024 IASB convention.


Bilden discussed upcoming elementary building events, Family Literacy night at parent teacher conferences, and Michelle Hansel receiving the Shining Apple award.


Thompson discussed middle school / high school building activities, 6-8 grade breakfast buddies, and parent teacher conference attendance improvements compared to prior years.


Marlow provided updated on Alternative School attendance numbers and graduation rates.


Hoff presented on Iowa Virtual Academy enrollment increases and virtual / in-person field trips attended by students.


Consent Agenda

Motion by Brandt and second by Finnegan to approve the minutes from the November 14 regular meeting and November 22 special meeting; and listing of invoices; there were three payroll requests totaling $137.74. Motion carried unanimously.


New Business


  1. Scoreboard Purchase

Motion by Brandt and second by Finnegan to approve the purchase of a digital scoreboard from Digital Scoreboards in the amount of $69,000 with a recurring annual subscription fee of $6,000 beginning in year 2. Motion carried with the following votes:

Aye: Bittner, Brandt, Finnegan, Johnson, Kregel, Pierce

Nay: Mommer


  1. Flexibility Fund Resolution

Motion by Pierce and second by Kregel to adopt a resolution to establish a School Flexibility Fund and transfer balances of certain categorical funds of $322,388.85. Roll Call vote. Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Request Modified Supplemental Funds
  2. Motion by Finnegan and second by Pierce to authorize the district’s administration to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $78,830 due to Fall 2024 actual enrollment exceeding Fall 2023 actual enrollment. Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Motion by Brandt and second by Kregel to authorize the district’s administration to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $1,655 related to the English learning program for students who have exceeded five years of weighting that are included in the Fall 2024 certified enrollment headcount. Motion carried unanimously.


  1. At-Risk / Dropout Prevention

Motion by Mommer and second by Johnson to authorize the district’s administration to submit a request of a modified supplemental amount of $191,115 associated with the at-risk and dropout prevention program. Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Open Enrollments

Motion by Finnegan and second by Mommer to deny 3 applications to the Iowa Virtual Academy due to lack of special education classroom space, IEP requirements, and a late open enrollment out request. Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Apple iPad Purchase

Motion by Finnegan and second by Brandt to purchase 240 iPads from Apple for $77,760. Motion carried unanimously.



Motion by Finnegan and second by Mommer to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.


Meeting Adjourned at 6:24 PM




Logan Taylor, Board Secretary


Approved this 9th day of January, 2025




Jessica Bittner, Board President