Board of Directors Minutes February 3 2021




February 3, 2021


The Clayton Ridge Board of Directors held a work session on February 3, 2021 at 3:00 pm in the Guttenberg Marina Center, Guttenberg.


Members present were Mike Finnegan, Alicia Helle, Christine Aulwes, Ellen Johnson, Jason Reimer, and John Heying. Kathy Ihde was absent.


Also attending were Superintendent Shane Wahls, Principal Laura Bilden, and Board Secretary Dave Schlueter.


Agenda – Program Planning for 2021-2022




February 3, 2021


The Clayton Ridge Board of Directors held their monthly meeting on February 3, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. in the Guttenberg Marina Center, Guttenberg.


Call to Order/Roll Call

President Heying called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM.  Other members in attendance were Finnegan, Helle, Aulwes, Johnson, and Reimer. Ihde was absent.


Also in attendance were Wahls, Bilden, Schlueter and Dean of Students Wade Marlow.


Approval of Agenda

Motion by Reimer and second by Aulwes to approve the agenda.  Motion carried unanimously.


Reports / Communication

Damien Schlitt of BLDD Architects reported (via Zoom) on the project scope to remodel the Multi-Purpose Room and Kitchen in Guttenberg.


Board members discussed comments from the community regarding their gratitude to the staff and faculty for their efforts throughout the COVID pandemic; and discussed the possibility of displaying trophies, banners, awards, and record boards in a more visible display.


Consent Agenda

Motion by Finnegan and second by Helle to approve the minutes of the January 14, 2021 regular board meeting; listing of invoices; and additional pay requests totaling $634.98. Motion carried unanimously.



New Business

  1. Employment

Motion by Helle and second by Aulwes to accept the resignation/retirement of Jim Pfaffly, Science Teacher, as of the end of the current school year. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Reimer and second by Finnegan to accept resignation of Jana Kregel, Math Teacher, effective end of current school year. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Helle and second by Johnson to transfer Collin Arndt from Jr High Boys Track Coach to Varsity Girls Track Coach effective immediately. Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Lane Change Request

Motion by Finnegan and second by Johnson to approve Tierney Schneider’s lane change request. Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Construction Documents

Motion by Finnegan and second by Johnson to approve construction documents as presented by BLDD Architects and to let bids for the project. Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Food Service Management Company contract extension

Motion by Johnson and second by Finnegan to approve a one-year extension of the food service management contract with Opaa. Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Athletic Trainer Hours

Motion by Reimer and second by Helle to approve an increase in hours for Athletic Trainer to cover soccer. Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Open Enrollments

Motion by Reimer and second by Aulwes to approve open enrollments of Ty and Tate Breiner to Western Dubuque. Motion carried unanimously.



Motion by Helle and second by Aulwes to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.


Meeting Adjourned at 6:20 PM