Board meeting minutes January 10 2022




January 10, 2022


The Clayton Ridge Board of Directors held their regular monthly meeting on January 10, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. in the Elementary Library, Garnavillo.


Call to Order/Roll Call

President John Heying called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM.  Other members in attendance were Jessica Bittner, Christine Aulwes, Alicia Helle, Ellen Johnson, Mike Finnegan, and Jason Reimer.


Also in attendance were Superintendent Shane Wahls, Dean of Students Wade Marlow, and staff members Collin Arndt, Lori Bunting, and Tierney Hoefer.


Approval of Agenda

Motion by Finnegan and second by Aulwes to approve the agenda.

Motion carried unanimously.



Wahls reported on an upcoming work session with IASB regarding school finance and superintendent evaluation standards. IASB representatives will present finances to staff members on Thursday.


Athletic Director Collin Arndt presented information regarding winter sports updates; coaching numbers; open positions; and student eligibility concerns.


Board members discussed OSHA standards and other COVID concerns.


Consent Agenda

Motion by Helle and second by Johnson to approve minutes of the December 13, 2021 regular meeting; the December, 2021 financial statements; and the listing of invoices; (there were no payroll requests). Motion carried unanimously.


New Business

  1. Early Retirement / Resignations

Motion by Finnegan and second by Bittner to approve the early retirement application and resignation of Teacher Lori Bunting. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Johnson and second by Aulwes to approve the resignation of teacher associate Amanda Hansel. Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Modified Allowable Growth for At-Risk/Drop Out Prevention

Motion by Finnegan and second by Aulwes to request Modified Supplemental Amount of $166,688 for the purpose of implementing the board-adopted At-Risk/Dropout Prevention program. Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Open Enrollments

No action needed.


  1. Second Reading – Board Policies 600 series

Motion by Finnegan and second by Johnson to table the adoption of the board policies 600 series. Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Capital Project-Transformer Replacement

Motion by Johnson and second by Helle to approve payment to Alliant Energy to replace the Garnavillo transformer at a cost of $9147.87. Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Amend 28E Agreement with Guttenberg Municipal Hospital-Nurse Services

Motion by Finnegan and second by Helle to approve amendments to the 28E Agreement with Guttenberg Municipal Hospital for Nursing services.

Ayes: Heying, Helle, Finnegan, Johnson, Bittner, Aulwes. Nays: Reimer. Motion carried.


  1. Business Health Services Agreement

Motion by Johnson and second by Bittner to approve the annual contract with Gundersen Health Services to provide DOT drug testing services. Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Substitute Teacher Pay

Motion by Johnson to keep sub teacher pay at $120 per day. Motion died for lack of a second.


Motion by Finnegan and second by Helle to increase sub teacher pay to $125 per day, effective January 1, 2022.

Ayes: Heying, Helle, Finnegan, Bittner, Aulwes. Nays: Johnson. Abstain: Reimer. Motion carried.


  1. Volunteer Coach

Motion by Reimer and second by Helle to approve Kayla Kelly as Volunteer Softball coach. Motion carried unanimously.



Motion by Finnegan and second by Helle to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.












Meeting Adjourned at 5:33 PM





Mary Seifert, Acting Board Secretary



Approved this 10th day of February, 2022



__________________________________________                                                John Heying, Board President