April 13 2023 School Board meeting minutes




April 13, 2023


The Clayton Ridge Board of Directors held their regular monthly meeting on April 13, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. in the Elementary Library, Garnavillo.


Call to Order/Roll Call

President John Heying called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.  Other members in attendance were Christine Aulwes, Ellen Johnson, Alicia Helle, Mike Finnegan, and Jason Reimer. Jessica Bittner was absent.


Also in attendance were Superintendent Shane Wahls, Principal Laura Bilden, Principal Terri Thompson, Dean of Students Wade Marlow, IAVA Head of Schools Steve Hoff, and board secretary David Schlueter.


There were 6 faculty members present.


Public Hearing – FY24 Budget

The proposed budget for FY24 was presented. There were no comments from the public.


Public Hearing – 2023-24 Calendar

The proposed calendar for 2023-24 was presented. There were no comments from the public.


Approval of Agenda

Motion by Finnegan and second by Helle to approve the agenda, striking 4. Open Enrollments and adding an exempt session.  Motion carried unanimously.


Reports / Communications

Wahls reported on Therepeutic School proposed sites and programming; anticipated Athletic Director opening; updates on capital projects.


Thompson reported on the Camp Courageous trip; upcoming events including a middle school book fair, senior class to Reality Check, Intro to Business class visits to local businesses, prom; and the Student Senate trip.


Marlow discussed attendance data and career fairs.


Bilden reported on state testing with a growth mindset for success.


Hoff reported that current enrollment at IAVA is 910; re-registration is currently open; 75 students will be graduating; projected enrollment for next year will average 1269; several teacher positions open due to increased enrollment; ISASP progress.




Consent Agenda

Motion by Johnson and second by Reimer to approve the March 2023 financial statements, the minutes of the March 16, 2023 regular meeting, the minutes of the April 5, 2023 special meeting and work session, and the listing of invoices. Motion carried unanimously.


New Business

  1. Adopt FY24 Budget

Motion by Finnegan and second by Johnson to adopt the FY24 Budget as proposed/published. Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Adopt 2023-24 Calendar

Motion by Johnson and second by Aulwes to adopt the 2023-24 Calendar. Motion carried unanimously.


  1. First Reading – Policy 710.4 Meal Charges

First reading of policy 710.4 was held.


  1. Medical Insurance Provider

Motion by Helle and second by Johnson to accept proposal from Medical Associates Health Plans for a traditional HMO medical insurance plan effective July 1, 2023. Motion carried unanimously.


  1. FY22 Audit

Motion by Finnegan and second by Aulwes to approve the FY22 audit completed by O’Connor, Brooks, PC. Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Master Contract – CRESPA

Motion by Reimer and second by Aulwes to approve the Agreement with Clayton Ridge Educational Support Personnel Association for an hourly increase of $.90 and one additional holiday. Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Issue Individual Contracts – Support Personnel

Motion by Finnegan and second by Reimer to approve contracts for support personnel as listed. Motion carried unanimously.


  1. 28E Agreement – Tech Support

Motion by Reimer and second by Aulwes to approve an agreement for tech support with Keystone AEA at cost of $53,164.95. Motion carried unanimously.


  1. School Auction

Motion by Helle and second by Reimer to approve sale of obsolete and unused inventory and equipment via auction on Saturday, June 24. Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Exempt session – non union employee contract terms

Recessed the open meeting for Exempt Session at 8:18 pm to discuss terms of employment for non union positions. Returned to regular meeting at 9:44 pm.


  1. Closed Session – Superintendent Evaluation

Motion by Reimer and second by Johnson to enter closed session at 9:45 pm per Iowa Code 21.5 (1)i. to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Aulwes and second by Helle to enter open session at 10:25 pm. Motion carried unanimously.



Motion by Finnegan and second by Aulwes to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.


Meeting Adjourned at 10:25 PM




David Schlueter, Board Secretary



Approved this 11th day of May, 2023



__________________________________________                                                John Heying, Board President