Oct 24, 2022
Day 1 #43
Lunch —
- Fresh Market: Chicken noodle soup w/Italian bread, corn dog, cheese or pepperoni pizza, ham wrap protein pack
- Fresh picks: Fresh garden salad, corn,applesauce,chilled fruit, milk
Happy Birthday today to Mrs Winch!!!!!
There will be a wrestling meeting today for any boy or girl interested in going out @ 3PM in the commons
There will be NO SCHOOL on Friday, Oct 28 in order to support the Boys Cross Country Team at the State meet in Fort Dodge, you must purchase your ticket online.….please sign up for the Pep bus in Angel’s office. Wednesday is the last day to sign up. There is no cost to ride the bus.
- Students please take your hat off when entering the building.
- Picture Retake Day will be Nov 16th
- Red Ribbon Week
Monday-Wear Red
Tuesday Twin Day
Wednesday-PJ Day
Thursday-Jersey Day
Friday-CR Pride
There will be an NHS meeting tomorrow, Oct 25 during Advisory
HS Activities
MS Activities:
Middle School Wrestling will begin practice today Thursday, October 20th. Practices will be Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday after school, no practices on Wednesday. Wrestlers will be bussed to Colesburg from Guttenberg. Be in the Commons by 3:00pm.