Oct 10, 2022
Day 1 #33
Lunch —
- Fresh Market: Bacon Mac/cheese w/Italian bread, Taco dip, cheese or pepperoni pizza, turkey & cheese sandwich
- Fresh picks: Fresh garden salad,cheesy cauliflower popcorn, chilled fruit, milk
Happy Birthday today to Haley Rork, Kelby Severson, Caleb Lawrence, & Ethan Backes!!!!!
- Students please take your hat off when entering the building.
- Picture Retake Day will be Nov 16th
HS Activities
JV Football @ home vs. E Buch 6PM
MS Activities
MS Football players will be dismissed @ 3 PM today
The October 20 game vs Beckman is moved to this Thursday, October 13 at 4:15 in Guttenberg.